Yuko Urakawa works at Institute for Advanced Research, Nagoya University, as a designated assistant professor. After she got her Ph.D., Physics, at Waseda university on March, 2010, she worked at University of Barcelona for three years and a half. Since 2014, she started to work at Nagoya university. Her speciality is theoretical physics, in particular general relativity and cosmology. She attempts to uncover the evolution history of the universe by combining the precise measurements of the universe and the theoretical study on physics such as the theory of gravitation and particle physics. The cosmic microwave background (CMB), which comes to the earth from all the directions, carries the copious information about the ancient universe, 400,000 years after the beginning of the universe. The latest measurements of the CMB map strongly suggest that there was a rapid acceleration just after the beginning of the universe, which is the so-called cosmic inflation. She is now interested in exploring the physics behind inflation. Her recent achievements are presented in several scientific journals.