Eugênio Bucci graduated in Social Communication from the School of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA-USP) in 1982. He also holds a graduation degree in Law from USP. In 1984 he was named president of the Faculty of Law's student union, a position reached after his campaign with the group "The Pravda", in a reference to The New York Times and the official soviet publication Pravda. The same group would later elect his successor, Fernando Haddad, current mayor of São Paulo. Affiliated to the Worker's Party in the early 80s, he has been the creator and first editor of the magazine Teoria e Debate, published by the Perseu Abramo foundation. As a journalist, he was director of magazines such as Set, Superinteressante, Playboy and Quatro Rodas, culture and television critic in newspapers likeFolha de São Paulo, O Estado de São Paulo and Jornal do Brasil, besides being Editorial Secretary of Editora Abril. In 2002 he became doctor in Communication Science from ECA-USP. He taught journalistic ethics at Faculdade Cásper Líbero in 2001 and 2002. After leaving the position of director at Radiobras (January 2003 to April 2007), he became Visiting Professor at the IEA-USP. In 2008, he became a professor at ECA-USP. Two years later, he became director of the post-graduation course of journalism at ESPM, although he still works at USP. |