Hideharul Numata is a professor of zoology at Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Japan. He obtained his Ph.D. in Zoology in 1984 at Kyoto University, and studied at Osaka City University from 1984 to 2009. Then he returned to Kyoto University. His research has focused on the physiology/ecophysiology of seasonal adaptations and biological rhythms in insects and other invertebrates. For example, Numata studied photoperiodism and seasonal adaptations in stink bugs, the role of clock genes in photoperiodism in a bug, the circatidal rhythm in a cricket living in the intertidal zone. His studies on circannual rhythms in the varied carpet beetle, Anthrenus verbasci, are particularly unique. Currently he is a member of the Science Council of Japan, the vice-president of the Zoological Society of Japan, a board member of the Japanese Society for Chronobiology, and the deputysecretary of the International Congress of Entomology. He was the president of the Entomological Society of Japan (2013–2014) and the editor-in-chief of Entomological Science (2010–2011).