Cultural Economist. Obtained BE (Applied Chemistry) at the Nagoya University. Master of Economics at the University of Tsukuba, Doctor of Engineering in Architectonics at the Nagoya University. After working at various organization as cultural resource specialist, such as Officer at the Ministry of Education; Director of the Culture Promotion Office at the Agency for Cultural Affairs; Associate Professor of the Graduate school of Policy Studies at the Saitama University; Councilor of the Higher Education Dept. of the Ministry of Education; Associate Professor of the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies; Associate Professor of the National Institute of Informatics and Professor at the Nagoya University, he is currently a Professor of the Graduate School of Global Art Studies and Curatorial Practices at the Tokyo University of the Arts. He is the member of: Japan Association for Cultural Economics; The Japan Society of Regional Science; The Regional Science Association International; Japan Association for Planning Administration; International Cultural Policy Research Publications. His publication includes: Management & Policy of Arts; Cultural Promotion Theory; Theoretical Outline of Culture Policy; COMPARING Cultural Policy (Altamila: CA.); Museum Policy Theory; Theory of Culture Hall; Theoretical Outline of Culture Policy; The Theories and Methods of Support for Arts and Culture. He was awarded a Prize for Local Cultural Promotion (Hibi Science & Technology Foundation) in 2002 and a Prize from the Japan Society of Regional Science in 2005.